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Connect with 1.1K+ finance leaders from some of the fastest growing companies around the world

"Finance in Tech has been an amazing way for me to connect with other finance people working in startups across Australia. The Slack group has been immensely valuable."
Stuart R
Fullstack Advisory

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does FiT stand for?

Finance in tech

What kind of people are in FiT?

Our members are typically CFOs, Controllers, Accountants or in Financial Operations.

What experience do I need to have?

We allow anyone in our community who works within a finance function, or if they have a blended role which covers finance and operations. 

Do I need to be working within tech?

If work in finance, but you don't work within tech. Don't worry, we will happily let you in.

How does it work?

Most of the interactions occur daily on Slack. If you don't use Slack, you can still subscribe to our newsletter or attend our remote and in-person events which occur in most major cities in Australia and New Zealand.

How big is the community?

We have 950+ members, and we're growing fast!

Why did you start FiT?

There are millions of communities for tech professionals but nothing for finance leaders. FiT was founded to bring together the finance community, create a place to ask questions, network, and crowdsource advice from top finance leaders.
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